Screen Shot 2018-04-24 at 8.02.35 PM

Level I

3 Stars

Category:  Personal Journeying

Q: What is the main idea of this selection?

A: A young woman follows her…

Q: What destructive forcefulness in nature was responsible

A: Erosion

Q:what outcome did Mary's near decease …

A:she expanded..

Q: What does this pick tell you near the life

A: There were many infant deaths from smallpox…

Q: Put these in society in which they occurred

A: Mary'southward mother opens a curio stand up, Mary finds a skeleton to go, Mary discovers the first British example, Mary opens her fossil shop

Q: The tone of this excerpt can exist described as

A: ironic

Q: What does the give-and-take "dissenters" hateful in this excerpt

A: People who questioned the accepted views of the time.

Q: What are 2 reasons why Mary was non…

A: She was a working class,The Geological Lodge of

Q: What evidence does the author requite to show that…

A: Mary discovered a sleeping accommodation containing ink

Q: Why was Mary's "Crocodile in a Fossil State" such…

A: It raised questions about the history of…

Q: What is the author's purpose in writing this selection.

A: To highlight the significant contribution

Additional Questions:

Q:From information technology'due south description in the selection, the belemnite in this image was also called.

A:Devil's Finger

Q: choose the two sentences in this excerpt that explain why Mary. was not accepted or respected by the scientific community.

A: 1. British women were not immune to vote, hold public office…

ii. the geological society of London did non allow women to go members

Very similar pic depicting an oil spill


Level I

3 Stars

Category: Our Earth

Q:What is the main idea of the selection

A:oil is a form of ecocide that tin be prevented

Q: based on the selection what is the best style to prevent oil spills in the futurity?

A:switch from fossil fuel to renewable energies

Q:Based on this selection, what was the initial cause of the Deepwater Horizon oil laissez passer?

A: Leaking Methane…

Q:What are ii ways BP tried to clean up its oil spill?

A: Controlled Explosions, ships with large skimmers scooped

Q:How is oil created?

A: The World's rut…

Q: how effective were Exxon's initial efforts to make clean upward the Valdez oil spills?

A: Exxon only collected a minor percent of the oil spill

Q: What type of evidence does the author employ to show that BP oil spill was the worst ecocide ever committed?

A: Hard Statistics

Q: What argument supports the authors statement that oil spills volition happen in the futurity?

A: In that location are very few regulations…

Q: Why does the writer begin and end the selection with these excerpts?

A: To evidence consumers…

Q: Choose the 1 sentence in the excerpt that gives examples of the best alternatives to fossil fuel.

A: unlike fossil fuels…

Boosted Questions:

Q) What is ecocide?

A: Acquired past humans…

Q) Based on this pick what can you lot conclude near oil spills?

A: Oil remains on the sandy…

Q) Put these events in the post-obit order:

A: Mechanism, Wells, Oil, Gasoline

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